Scope of Work
Capstone Copper planned to increase the Pinto Valley Mine output from 50K tpd to 75K tpd. GRES (formerly HEA) was tasked with providing a complete independent operational audit of the Capstone Copper’s Pinto Valley Operations, mining and processing facilities, to ascertain how this higher throughput could be achieved and at what cost.
All facets of the Pinto Valley Mine processing operations were monitored and evaluated for efficiency and cost effectiveness. Starting with the mine blasting pattern and powder ratios through material handling, comminution, flotation, concentrate loadout, tailings thickening and tailings deposition.
A complete comprehensive operational study was performed, and the subsequent report identified/defined some operational bottlenecks. The report specified recommended operational changes required to achieve the desired increased throughput. The report provided a complete economic evaluation for each aspect of the recommended changes. (Capital and Operating Costs, IRR and Payback Period).

GRES US Projects
GRES Projects