Code of Conduct Policy

GR Engineering Services Limited ("COMPANY")

GR Engineering Services Limited (GRES) Code of Conduct (Code) is built on our core values and highlights the principles that we expect of all people engaged with GRES. The Code helps us understand how we, as individuals, should behave and ensure our core values are part of every business dealing.  
The GRES values are: 

  • Our clients are our focus;
  • A commitment to innovation and quality;
  • Our people are our most significant asset;
  • We strive to provide a safe, healthy and hazard free workplace;
  • We will always act with honesty and integrity; and
  • Respect for the community and the environment in which we work.


  • We will always strive to keep ourselves safe at work and to provide a safe workplace with the focus on the wellbeing of others being our number one priority;
  • We will commence work in a fit state and will not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other performance impairing substance or in a state of fatigue;
  • We will STOP unsafe work and report hazards or behaviour that could lead to incidents in the workplace; and
  • We will seek to minimise the impact of our work on the environment and cultural heritage through planning and communication.


  • We will respect and value the diverse cultures, communities and other points of views, regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, age and sexual orientation;
  • We believe everyone should work in a workplace free from all forms of harassment; and
  • We are committed to speaking up if we see or become aware of behaviour in the workplace that is inappropriate.


  • We are committed to complying with all laws, regulations and other requirements which govern the conduct of our operations;
  • We acknowledge and respect the cultures and traditions of local communities in which we work;
  • We will protect and uphold fundamental human rights by conducting ourselves, our procurement practices and our business with due care.
  • We will use good judgement to avoid situations where there may be, or even a perception of a conflict of interest, ensuring we report any actual or potential conflicts of interest. and
  • We will plan and execute work based on the requirements of the Integrated Management System (IMS) to ensure we will maintain the culture of continual improvement in all aspects of our work.


  • We will ensure that we do not disclose or use any confidential information gained during our employment or engagement with GRES for personal profit of advantage;
  • We will store all documentation, confidential and intellectual property gained or generated during our engagement with GRES on the Company network and never send or save information considered intellectual property, financial data or employee confidential details outside of the GRES network; and
  • We will not share information with a view to others profiting from this information (insider trading).


  • If you believe a decision or action does not reflect our Code of Conduct, you have a responsibility to speak up. GRES is committed to treating any concerns that are raised with respect, ensuring matters are dealt with confidentially and taking a zero-tolerance approach towards retaliation. GRES will provide a forum where our employees and contractors feel comfortable discussing any issues which may arise.
  • If there are breaches of this Code, you may face disciplinary action up to and including termination of your engagement with GRES.
  • As a GRES employee or contractor if you are unsure of your responsibilities, you should seek advice from a Senior Company Manager before acting.
  • GRES want all our people to lead by example and live our values every day.

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