On 15 April the second and final shipment of the ball mill was delivered to the Higginsville Treatment Plant, located 150 km south of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia. Mr Rohan Williams, Avoca’s Managing Director, in a company announcement dated 11 April 2008, said “we are very pleased the ball mill has arrived and on the way to site. It is the last of the critical path items for the treatment plant and we are confident the plant will be commissioned in June on time and within budget.”
By the end of April, the Higginsville Project Manager, Mr Dominic Piscioneri, reported that the project was in excess of 90% complete and remaining site works were progressing well. Practical completion remains on schedule with detailed commissioning activities well advanced.
Click below to view Avoca Resources Limited ASX Announcement Ball Mill En Route to Higginsville
To read more about the Higginsville Treatement Plant, click here.