During May, GR Engineering Services' rolling 12 month average 'lost time injury frequency rate' (LTIFR) dropped to zero as a consequence of the achievement of twelve months without a lost time accident by any GRES or sub-contractor employee. For the 12 months ending May 2009, 422,645 manhours were consumed by GRES office, direct employeed construction and sub-contract construction employees.
Terry Condipodero (Manager - OHSE) said that "this achievement is a credit to the hard working team of people who have successfully delivered the following major projects on time, within budget and with excellent safety outcomes:
- the Sally Malay Paste Plant
- Avoca Higginsville Gold Project
- Xstrata Sinclair Nickel Project and
- the Western Areas Cosmic Boy Nickel Project."
Currently this team has started working on delivering similar results at the Avoca Paste Plant and the Catalpa Gold Project. The achievement of a zero LTIFR is one that the team at GRES are proud to have achieved. The WA Department of Mines and Petroleum report that average minerals industry LTIFR for 2007/08 was 3.2 accidents per million manhours consumed.