The Sinclair Nickel project achieved a significant milestone on Wednesday 14th May with the transport to site and placement of the project’s two fully refurbished grinding mills. The 1000 kW SAG mill was placed on its foundation after a refurbishment which included the recutting of its ring gear, the fabrication and machining of a new drive pinion and the supply of new trunnion roller bearings.
The completion of this refurbishment works by week 37 of the project schedule demonstrates the significant schedule benefits that GR Engineering Services can bring to a project by utilising major second hand processing equipment. By contrast, current lead times for new mills of similar size are 60 to100 weeks.
On site steel erection, piping and electrical installations have commenced and the project is on schedule for completion during the third quarter of 2008.

To read more about the Sinclair Nickel Project, click here.