
Articles 37 to 45 of 200
EPC Contract - Cosmos Nickel Concentrator Facility Upgrade

EPC Contract - Cosmos Nickel Concentrator Facility Upgrade

GR Engineering Services Limited (ASX: GNG) (GR Engineering) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract from Australian Nickel Investments Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Western Areas Limited (ASX: WSA) (Western Areas), for the upgrade of the existing nickel concentrator at the Cosmos Nickel Operations (the Project).
Category: Company News
EPC Contract – Mt Ida Gold Project

EPC Contract – Mt Ida Gold Project

GR Engineering Services Limited (ASX: GNG) (GR Engineering) is pleased to announce that it has executed an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract with Aurenne Alt Resources Pty Limited (Aurenne) in relation to the Mt Ida Gold Project (the Project).

Category: Company News
Articles 37 to 45 of 200